


In Game Disc

Oghmir are by far the toughest of all clades. Between their self-healing, high defense and ability to move unhindered in heavy armor, they're the top candidate for holding down the frontline. In addition to their physical prowess, they also happen to be one of the most intelligent races. Their massive health pools and incredibly high intelligence makes them some of the most powerful mages. Especially when it comes to slinging spells from the back of a horse.

Oghmir Clade Gifts to choose from:
Consume - You can eat 10% more food before being full.
Inhale (Buff) - In hale the fumes from ichor greatly increasing your health regeration at the cost of health reserves.
Nightvision - You see farther in darkness.
Devour - You can eat 10% more food before being full.
Metalsmith - Decreases metal material usage by 6% when crafting.
Metallurgist - 3% bonus yield when extracting.
Well Built - +3 Strength.
Strong Back - You can carry +20kg before being penalized.
Robust - +3 Constitution.
Striker - +3 Damage Bonus.
Resolved - +3 Psyche
Scholar - +3 Intelligence
Beer Belly - You can drink 10 additional potion units before full.
Oghmir Warcry(Buff) - An inspiring warcry that will strengthern the bodies of allies close to you giving them 10% increased physical defence. THis buff stacks up to 5 times on Oghmirs.
Engineer - +10 skill points in the Engineering skill.
Siegemaster - Bonus when constructing siege weapons.
Iron master - 3% bonus yield when refining.
Geologist - When mining you will get a message if there is a chance to find rare materials at this spot.
Well Built - +2 Max Strength.
Rock Solid (Buff) - Strengthen your muscles reducing all incoming physical damage when standing still.
Armor Bearer - You can carry 3kg more armor before being penalized.
Armiger - You can carry 3kg more armor before being penalized.
Hefty - +2 Max Constitution.
Stoneskin - You have a natural resistance against slashing and piercing damage. Incoming slashing and piercing damage is reduced by 3.
Hammer Training - +20 skill levels in the Hammer Skill.
Axe Training - +20 skill levels in the Axe skill.
Strong Willed - +2 Max Psyche.
Equipoise - Additional knockdown resistance.
Intellectual - +2 Max Intelligence.
Double Jointed - +2 Max Dexterity.

Clade and Race
Human Alvarin Oghmir Thursar

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