
Clade and Race


Humans are the most versatile race in all of Nave. They offer excessive amounts of attributes and skill points which gives them plenty of room for interesting and unique builds. While they will never outclass the other clades in a single category, a Tindrememe's true power stems from their ability to excel at many things simultaneously.


The Alvarin are masters of survival. Between their lightning speed and powerful survivability skills, they fit extremely well into multiple combat roles. Alvarin excel as mages, beast masters, archers, melee/magic hybrids and even light infantry.


Oghmir are by far the toughest of all clades. Between their self-healing, high defense and ability to move unhindered in heavy armor, they're the top candidate for holding down the frontline. In addition to their physical prowess, they also happen to be one of the most intelligent races. Their massive health pools and incredibly high intelligence makes them some of the most powerful mages. Especially when it comes to slinging spells from the back of a horse.


Thurars shine as both heavy infantry as well as cavalry. While not the fastest race, they're by far the most terrifying up close. Their massive strength and size allows them to devastate their enemies with huge melee damage and large health pools. In addition to making great warriors, their super strength allows them to draw the most powerful bows in the world.

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